Flowers to Rajkot, Cakes n Gifts Delivery in Rajkot, Gujarat: Free
Premium Red Roses Ensemble

Guaranteed Same Day Delivery If Order Before 4 P.M.


The bouquet is made of:
• 50 Unscented Red Roses with White Gypsophila Fillers
• Wrapped With Red Non-Woven Paper
• Tied with Red Satin Ribbon
• Complimentary Message Card

Experience the enchanting allure of 50 unscented red roses paired perfectly with delicate white Gypsophila flowers in this meticulously crafted bouquet. Each rose is artistically arranged to highlight its natural beauty, nestled amidst soft, cloud-like fillers that add depth and texture to the bouquet. Encased in striking red non-woven paper, the vibrant colors create a captivating display thats both eye-catching and refined. Tying it all together is a luxurious red satin ribbon that conveys a touch of elegance, transforming a simple bouquet into a memorable gift. To make your present even more special, weve included a complimentary greeting card for your personal message. This thoughtful addition allows you to express your feelings in your own words, adding heartfelt emotion to your gift. Celebrate lifes special moments with a bouquet that speaks volumes without uttering a word. From romantic gestures to thoughtful surprises, this magnificent arrangement is a classic choice that will be cherished and adored.

Price - Rs. 3295

Earliest Delivery : 24-FebRemote locations may take one day more.

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